Monday, April 2, 2007

Procrastinator Sr. and Jr.

If i had a God like me..
it would have been comfortable family.

If Procrastination ran through both of us..
Earth would have been here upgraded,but Heaven would still be under renovation.
The Cherubim would have been really bugged,not to mention,be out on the streets (Golden they maybe) ,friends would have kept mailing God,chatting Him up on Google Talk. Prodding him,inspiring him. But he would return to check scraps on Orkut.
Or whatever they would use in Heaven.

If i had a God like me..
it would have been comfortable family.

It would have been a bit odd to find that fish without the tail.
Discomfiting to stand in a line after finishing time on earth,

Waiting list for both heaven and hell. Oh yes,the Devil would have a pretty tough time too (assuming he survived his 1st attempt at rebellion..)

Think of such a God. A God who would be comfortable family.

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